Academy Award and Golden Globe nominee DIANE LANE stars as a massage therapist who dreams of leaving New York City and joining her son's father, a renowned anthropologist, who is studying a primitive South American tribe called Yanomamo or "Fierce People." She currently lives a carefree life in Manhattan, but when her son has a close brush with the law, she realizes it's time to make a life-altering change, and she pulls some strings to enter them into a life of wealth and privilege. When she is attacked, their perfect world is shattered.奥斯卡与金球奖提名人的黛安莲恩饰演一位始终希望离开纽约的按摩师,能追寻她身在南美研究号称狂猛人的原始民族生活习性的老公一直是她的梦想,当她的儿子几乎犯下触犯法律的行为后,她觉得目前优渥自在的生活方式是到了该改变的时候了,於是花了点力气,走了些后门,安排母子两人进入了一个充满特权与金钱的生活圈,只是没想到当她遭受意外的攻击时几乎毁了她们的世界